Wednesday, January 11, 2017

3. Swabeng Strategy: Your Steps to Achieve Financial Freedom

In the last article, we discussed what really prevents you from achieving financial freedom and before you know it, you realize I'm right correct?

Anyway, let us not dwell further on what prevents us from achieving our goal and now we learn the steps on how to achieve financial freedom. The steps I'll show you here is more of a goal setting (for the rest, I'll try to discuss them chronologically). 

It took me a few weeks of reading to determine what should be the steps on how we should achieve financial freedom. Believe me or not, I've read close to a hundred articles (locally and abroad) just for this topic and believe me, everyone of them have a different take on it. But here's mine:

1. Acknowledge the Need for Financial Literacy

If you were born to parents whose advocacy is to educate people on financial literacy, then consider yourself very fortunate. But in reality, not all of us are born having them as parents. Your objective now is to get yourself to learn and you should take action NOW! You have to admit that you need this for you (and your family) to have a better future ahead. You should also know why the need and how to make sure to accomplish them. Don't worry, I'll do my best to guide you in every step.

2. Get your family involved

You should also inform your family members about your decision to achieve financial freedom by having yourself literate first. Some may accept your decision while other may be hesitant. You just let them know that you're not just preparing for your future, but also for their future as well. Whether they would help you achieve it or not, the fact that you have already told them of your plans would mean that you are serious in securing your family's future.

3. Set your Goals

Once you were able to do the first two steps, this would be the right time to set your goals. Generally, there are three types of goals in Financial Literacy: the Short-Term, the Medium Term and the Long-Term. Depending on the time horizon, it is important for you to set your goals depending on the need. I may discuss this in further details sometime soon.

4. Start reading books/e-books. Watch video clips 

For you to learn the basics (to advanced) of financial literacy, you need to start somewhere. You have already acknowledge the need for financial literacy. Now you have to start. How? Most beginners read books, e-books on financial literacy. You can buy (or borrow) them and give yourself a few minutes to an hour (or two) to browse though pages of them. You can also read blogs of well known financial advocates here and abroad and I'm sure you'll learn a thing or two from them. There are also several video clips (from youtube and vimeo) that you can search and watch. 

5. Attend seminars and look for a mentor and like-minded individuals

Given that you have read several books and attended a few seminars (free or with a fee), you should be able to determine who would be your mentor in your quest for financial freedom. You may also join forums found on social media that has the same goals as you are. That way, you get inspired/motivated by other people who could also get some motivation from you. 

6. Track your progress

This would be your diary in determining whether you are still on track to your financial freedom or you need to do some fine-tuning. Don't worry if you get side-tracked while on your way. What matters is you keep record of your progress and learn from it.

I think were probably done with goal-setting at this point. Now its time to execute the plan that we made and let's aim for financial freedom for our family. 

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